A person willing to push their limits and fail to achieve success

The Key to Success: Embracing Risk and the Power of Mentorship

What is the biggest predictor of eventual success?

This question recently came up in conversation, and caused me to reflect on the exceptional people who I have known personally (scientists, athletes, artists, physicians).

Unsurprisingly, there is an enormous diversity of personalities and backgrounds among this group. The willingness to take risks, to push just a bit beyond their current limit, and sometimes fail spectacularly is the common denominator. 

Often, these people benefited from one or more mentors who, in the words of the brilliant Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky, provided a supportive scaffold as they stretched themselves. 

I can identify a few such mentors in my life who made all the difference. How about you? 

Is there someone without whose scaffolding you would not likely be here reading this? Are you paying it forward?

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